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I want to help!
Persons of all ages and abilities can volunteer with the Bavarian Festival! Often, civic and church groups volunteer together and assist in one area as a group. People who volunteer individually will be paired with another active citizen for the duration of their service, so group affiliation is not necessary to serve as part of the Bavarian Festival team!
You can volunteer for:
sponsorship form
We are grateful for your sponsorship and support as it helps the Civic Events Council continue its charitable giving. This includes funding three annual collegiate scholarships and additional funding for cultural exchanges between Frankenmuth's Sister City, Gunzenhausen, Germany, and Frankenmuth, MI.
sponsorship form
Our festival features 2 world-class parades and a Friday Night Street Party, which attract thousands of people to Frankenmuth's downtown area. We celebrate our traditions and try to maintain the essence that has helped Frankenmuth become one of Michigan's top tourist destinations.
We request your support and any donation you can make will be appreciated. Please get in touch with us to discuss the sponsor package that best suits your business. Our community sincerely appreciates your support of the festival, and we eagerly anticipate our streets being filled again this summer!
The Richard G. Krafft Jr award honors one member of the community who embodies what it means to be a volunteer, someone who goes above and beyond what is expected of them. The award was first presented to Richard 'Dick' Krafft in 2002.
Richard G. Krafft Jr. Award